Disc Jockey Equipment

Billy Zee only uses the best DJ gear for clear music and announcements set at comfortable levels.

A wireless speaker is available to send sound into rooms separated by a wall.
Announcements & music can be sent to this speaker 300 feet away from the reception setup.
This extra speaker is usually needed in mansions, separate rooms or a separate cocktail area.

EV sx360 Speakers, RCF speakers, FBT speakers, EV & RCF powered subs, Digital Driverack,
Numark Cd PLayers and Mixer, Shure mics (wireless & wired), Furman power regulator,
*Laptop, Virtual DJ software,, Music videos
*22, 32′ & 42″ screens , Live camera of the dance floor
*BenQ MP771 projector (3,000 lumens), 100″ (6ft) screen

Bigger rooms or gyms, require more sound.

EV ZXA5 Speakers (1,250 watts each), 2 JBL SRX 18″ subwoofers powered by QSC 3402 Amplifier (3,000 watts)
Wireless remote EV sx360a, 18″ powered subwoofers

Backup – 2 additional setups available. EV 300 speakers powered by PLX 3402, mixers, Cd players, Panasonic AX200 projector, lighting, mixers, more….